
Our Story

Maya's Rainbow Foundation was founded in March 2016 to honor the life and spirit of Maya Rachel Cohen, who tragically passed away at five years old in December 2015 due to a rare & hidden heart condition.

Our charity honors her life by bringing her love of art to children, who just like her, are lucky enough to go to a pre-school or camp run by a non-profit organization.

About Maya

Our daughter Maya Rachel Cohen had a loving and happy spirit. She loved everything and everyone in her life. Their happiness was her happiness. Maya’s gift was knowing when someone needed a little bit of love. So, she lived life with arms wide open. Two of Maya's biggest loves were art and school. Maya created some amazing pieces of art, from paintings to clay and everything in between. She always had a way of sneaking rainbows into most things she created. So, we took Maya's love of art and created this foundation to help other kids love to create the way she did. To see some of Maya’s art, please click the link for her art gallery.

Maya's Rainbow Foundation

Our Vision & Mission

OUR VISION: Nourish the freeing messiness of our kids’ creativity, so they are all touched by the possibilities of art, imagination, love, and community

OUR MISSION: Provide ideas, imagination, and funding for new & existing children's art programming at non-profit pre-schools & camps throughout the United States

Our Projects to date

Maya’s Rainbow Art Studio

Maya's Rainbow Foundation

In 2018, we funded the enhancement of the existing art studio at Camp Deeny Riback in Flanders, NJ. This investment allowed for new art seating, more functional art counters, and a sink and stocking of needed supplies.

Maya’s Rainbow Art Education Program

Maya's Rainbow Foundation

In 2018, we, in collaboration with JCC Metrowest, established a 3-year program to create a program offering: a dedicated art teacher, staff training, devoted space for creative expression, appropriate supplies, and family engagement with the program.

Maya’s Rainbow Outdoor Art Studio

Maya's Rainbow Foundation

In the summer of 2019, we built from the ground up a brand new outdoor art studio giving kids at Camp Deeny Riback an exciting new place to be creative.

Maya’s Rainbow Outdoor Messy Art Studio

Maya's Rainbow Foundation

In the summer of 2020, we funded the purchase of a structure to create a new art studio for the summer camp at JCC Rockland.