Donations are the best way to support Maya’s Rainbow Foundation.
But, they are not the only way to show your support!
Buy a Maya’s Rainbow Coloring & Creativity Book
Yes, we have our own coloring book!
You’re going to quickly discover this is not your typical coloring book. Of course, there are coloring book pages with pictures to color in, but there’s also lots of white space for you to add your own lines and shapes or space to simply color outside the lines. We always say, “coloring inside the lines is just as beautiful as coloring outside of them.”
You’re also going to find pages with a shape or frame for you and your children to use your imaginations to create your own art. Coloring shouldn’t just be filling in someone else’s drawing, and we want you to have that freedom. Also, be on the lookout for hidden rainbows! They’re throughout the book, and we hope you can find them all!

But, the most special part of this book are the “Coloring with Maya” pages. We’ve taken Maya’s art and turned them into pages that you and your children can color. Maya left an everlasting fingerprint on all of our hearts and we can’t think of a better way to keep that connection alive than by letting you color with her. For inspiration, Maya’s originals are on the back cover, but please make them your own. We know Maya would love that.
Shop on Amazon Smile
You shop. Amazon Donates! AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to Maya’s Rainbow Foundation.
Click here to have your Amazon purchases support Maya’s Rainbow Foundation!
Shop with Kiindly
Kiindly makes it easy and accessible for everyone to turn everyday e-commerce experiences into something powerful, dollars to drive positive social impact at no additional cost to consumers or non-profit organizations. Every time you shop with Kiindly at 1,200+ stores, a portion of your purchase will be credited back to you, like cashback (no additional cost), that you can donate some or all to May’s Rainbow Foundation.
Click here to shop with Kiindly and support Maya’s Rainbow Foundation!
Have a Fundraiser
Setting up your own fundraiser is a great way to support Maya’s Rainbow Foundation! We have been supported by lemonade stands, walk-a-thons, Bar/Bat Mitzvah projects, and corporate golf outings. And we appreciate every single one! The best part of an online fundraiser is how easy it is. We have all the tools you need!
To start your own fundraiser for Maya’s Rainbow Foundation, visit us on CommitChange
And, of course, sharing our story on social media is a perfect way to tell the world that you support Maya’s Rainbow Foundation! Visit us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!